Dr. Katherine C. Hargrove
Grant Category: | Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer |
Field of Specialization: | Education |
Name: | Dr. Katherine C. Hargrove |
Official Address and Designation: | Associate Dean & Director Southern Methodist University Department of Teaching and Learning, Simmons School of Education Dallas, Texas |
Host Institution in India: | Ambedkar University New Delhi |
Duration of Grant: | 5 months October 2011 |
Brief Bio: | |
Dr. Katherine Hargrove is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Simmons School of Education and Human Development at SMU. Her research interests include giftedness and gifted education worldwide as well as critical and creative thinking. She is also Director of the Gifted Students Institute at the University. The Talented and Gifted Program (TAG), a three week residential program for gifted 8th, 9th, and l0th grade students, is a Cooperative Program with Duke University. Dr. Hargrove teaches graduate courses in gifted education preparing teachers for certification in this area. She writes a regular column and serves on the Editorial review Board of Gifted child today. In 2009, her book "Best practices for School Improvement" was published in New Delhi with the collaboration of an Indian colleague, Dr. M. V. Prasad. Dr. Hargrove earned a B.A. in english and history from Baylor University, an M.A. in english from Texas A & M, and a Ph.D. in education from Texas Woman's University. She is a past president of the Texas Association for Gifted and Talented and a U.S. Delegate to the World Council for Gifted at SMU.
As a Fulbright-Nehru fellow Dr. Hargrove will work primarily with the Ambedkar University, Delhi in planning the new program in teacher education there. She is particularly interested in promoting the education of gifted children in India. She has been invited to visit a school in Baroda and to renew her ties with the students and faculty at Sreenidhi International School in Hyderabad. She may also visit villages where READ:GLOBAL is making an impact as well as consulting with colleagues from Duke University colleagues who are promoting a talent search among gifted youth in India. |